55 types de jouets sexuels

Les affaires de jouets sexuels se développent  car il y a une augmentation constante du nombre de personnes qui l’utilisent. Le marché des jouets sexuels est en constante expansion car il répond au désir humain fondamental, qui est le plaisir sexuel. Les jouets sexuels sont spécialement conçus pour soutenir et aider à la gratification sexuelle. Il est pratique à utiliser et rend l’expérience sexuelle passionnante et très agréable.
Le commerce des jouets sexuels est en plein essor grâce à la prolifération d’Internet et des achats en ligne chez les jeunes hommes et femmes. Comme les plateformes en ligne suppriment commodément le facteur d’embarras lors de l’achat de jouets sexuels, l’entreprise fait un zoom considérable.
La jeune génération d’hommes et de femmes indiens fait actuellement le gros des utilisateurs de jouets sexuels. L’exposition au porno à un très jeune âge les incite à essayer des jouets sexuels comme expérience. L’industrie du jouet sexuel en Inde est très prometteuse car les rapports indiquent une croissance régulière pour le secteur du jouet sexuel. On s’attend à ce que l’industrie évolue pour répondre aux attentes changeantes des jeunes Indiens.
Enchevêtrements juridiques avec le commerce des jouets sexuels en Inde
Beaucoup de jouets pour adultes sont légaux en Inde. Mais il est généralement perçu que les jouets pour adultes sont illégaux. Les jouets sont classés comme «légaux» et «illégaux» selon la façon dont les jouets sexuels sont présentés et vendus. Si vous montrez une image obscène pour vendre un jouet sexuel, c’est illégal. Bien que la notion populaire que les jouets sexuels soient illégaux, mais il n’y a pas de loi pour dire clairement que les jouets sexuels sont illégaux.
Actuellement, les lois concernant les «jouets sexuels» ne sont pas très claires. Comme les préservatifs et les lubrifiants sont disponibles partout et qu’il n’y a pas de résistance du grand public quant à leur disponibilité car la société a évolué pour les percevoir comme des produits permettant aux gens de s’habituer à des relations sexuelles sûres, la perception des jouets sexuels devrait bientôt changement.
Les jouets sexuels sont largement disponibles sur le marché en ligne. Non seulement dans les grandes villes, les jouets sexuels sont achetés par les gens, même dans les petits villages reculés. La sensibilisation aux jouets sexuels en tant qu ‘«améliorateurs de plaisir» a si bien diminué parmi les personnes de tous horizons, est certainement un facteur clé qui contribue à la demande croissante de jouets sexuels en Inde.
La récolte actuelle de jeunes hommes et femmes de la société indienne a accepté les jouets sexuels dans leur vie et il est très clair que les jouets sexuels ne sont qu’un moyen d’augmenter l’expérience sensuelle dans la chambre.
Alors que les couples passent du bon temps ensemble et éprouvent un plaisir accru pendant la relation amoureuse, les jouets sexuels ajoutent de la valeur à la relation et aident les couples à profiter de l’intimité sans aucune inhibition et leur permettent d’explorer davantage à l’aide de jouets sexuels.
Les jouets sexuels ont prouvé qu’ils sont non seulement inoffensifs pour le corps, mais ils sont également inoffensifs pour l’environnement. La plupart des jouets sexuels disponibles aujourd’hui sont fabriqués à partir de matériaux respectueux de l’environnement. De nombreuses entreprises fabriquent même des préservatifs végétaliens avec des substituts naturels. Les jouets sexuels sont donc absolument sûrs à essayer.
Large gamme de jouets sexuels
Les jouets sexuels sont disponibles en différentes tailles et couleurs. Les utilisateurs peuvent trouver des jouets sexuels selon leur choix et leur niveau de confort. La vitesse et les vibrations peuvent être ajustées en fonction des préférences individuelles. D’innombrables variétés de jouets sexuels sont disponibles pour toute exigence spécifique.
Par exemple, lorsque vous recherchez uniquement la masturbation, vous pouvez choisir parmi une infinité de jouets sexuels spécialement conçus pour les masturbateurs.
Scénario de jouets sexuels en Inde
Fondamentalement, les jouets sexuels sont interdits en Inde. Il est interdit de le vendre ouvertement, mais les gens peuvent acheter des jouets sexuels dans un magasin ou sur des plateformes en ligne. Comme le facteur d’embarras est élevé lorsqu’un achat est effectué dans un magasin, les gens achètent des sextoys en ligne lorsqu’ils le font livrer dans un emballage discret où même le messager ne saura pas ce qu’il y a à l’intérieur
t on estime que l’Inde représente 5% à 10% de la recherche mondiale de jouets sexuels. Des sources de l’industrie estiment que actuellement l’industrie indienne des jouets sexuels vaut Rs. 1200 à 1500 crore et il devrait atteindre 8700 crore d’ici 2030, avec une croissance annuelle de 25% à 30%.
Principaux moteurs de croissance de l’industrie des jouets sexuels
Les plateformes en ligne servent de carburant pour faire avancer l’industrie du jouet sexuel sur une autoroute à croissance ultra rapide. Comme il supprime le facteur d’embarras d’acheter dans un comptoir ou un magasin, il joue un rôle important en attirant des clients plus réguliers et en attirant un grand nombre de nouveaux clients qui souhaitent essayer des jouets sexuels sans embarras
Un emballage discret est également un facteur important qui aide l’industrie du jouet sexuel à se développer rapidement. Lorsque vous êtes sûr que votre vie privée est protégée, les clients n’hésiteront pas à acheter quelque chose qui leur permettra de ressentir du plaisir par le sexe ou la masturbation.
Le fait que l’intimité totale est assurée tout au long de la transaction, de la commande à la livraison, est l’un des facteurs importants qui contribue à la croissance de l’industrie des jouets sexuels en Inde. Les sextoys sont livrés dans des boîtes non marquées et simples. Les jouets sexuels sont livrés dans tous les codes PIN sur toute la longueur et la largeur du pays. Même dans les zones très reculées et vallonnées, les jouets sexuels sont livrés au pas de la porte. L’industrie a maintenu un mécanisme de livraison robuste pour garantir que les clients ne soient jamais déçus. L’identité de la personne qui passe la commande est protégée tout au long du cycle de vie de l’achat du produit. Nulle part on ne peut trouver le nom de l’achat, de la facturation, de l’emballage et de la livraison. Même dans les relevés de carte de crédit, les détails de l’achat ne sont pas mentionnés. Cela augmente la confiance des clients et les encourage à acheter plus.
Les jouets sexuels permettent aux jeunes femmes de ressentir du plaisir sans avoir à s’enchevêtrer dans une relation douloureuse et l’agonie mentale qui en résulte en raison de tensions relationnelles. Les jouets sexuels leur offrent un moyen de soulager le stress de leur vie et de profiter du plaisir grâce à la masturbation sans impliquer un partenaire masculin dans leur vie.
Jouets et matériaux sûrs
La plupart des jouets sexuels sont fabriqués à partir de matériaux sans danger pour le corps et sont testés pour la sécurité avant de vous être expédiés. Ainsi, les jouets sexuels sont sûrs même pour ceux qui ont la peau sensible.
Mais il est toujours recommandé de vérifier le matériau pour déterminer s’il convient à votre type de corps et de peau avant de prendre une décision d’achat.
Catégories de jouets sexuels
Le jouet sexuel est un appareil externe qui peut être utilisé par les hommes, les femmes et les couples pour leur activité sexuelle afin de ressentir un plaisir accru pendant les relations amoureuses. Il existe différentes catégories de jouets sexuels. Il existe des jouets spécifiques pour les hommes seuls, qui ne conviennent pas aux femmes.
De même, il existe des jouets destinés uniquement aux femmes, que les hommes ne peuvent pas utiliser. Certains jouets sexuels sont fabriqués de manière à convenir aux hommes et aux femmes. Il existe des gammes de jouets spécifiquement destinées à la communauté LGBT. Inutile de dire qu’il existe des jouets sexuels pour les gais et les lesbiennes.
Les jouets sexuels peuvent être largement classés selon leur utilité. Les jouets sexuels sont disponibles pour tous les types de fantasmes d’hommes et de femmes amusants. Lorsque vous voulez vous amuser anal, il y a un ensemble de jouets spécialement conçus pour cela.
Lorsque vous êtes intéressé par le BDSM, vous pouvez obtenir une gamme de menottes, fouets, cordes et autres jouets qui peuvent vous permettre d’en profiter pleinement. Vous pouvez obtenir une variété d’anneaux de pénis, de graisseurs, de masseurs, de godes, de dongs, de masturbateurs, etc., des jouets sexuels spécifiques sont disponibles pour divers besoins individuels et en couple, pour les hommes et les femmes de tous les groupes d’âge.
Les principales catégories de jouets sexuels comprennent:
Anneaux péniens
Masturbateurs masculins
Lubrifiants sexuels
Poupées sexuelles
Voyons quelques-uns des jouets sexuels pour des groupes d’utilisateurs spécifiques:
Jouets sexuels pour femmes en Inde
Si vous avez l’impression que les femmes indiennes n’utiliseront pas de jouets sexuels en raison de leur éducation conservatrice, préparez-vous à un choc grossier. Des enquêtes récentes confirment que les femmes indiennes achètent des jouets sexuels en grand nombre à travers le pays, même dans les villes de niveaux 2 et 3 en utilisant des plateformes en ligne.
Les femmes achètent des godes, des vibromasseurs, des appareils de massage, un aspirateur, etc., Parmi tous ces godes sont le jouet sexuel le plus préféré des femmes en Inde. Les godes sont conçus comme une forme d’organe masculin et certains godes sont si spécialement conçus qu’ils ressembleront beaucoup à un vrai pénis. Les femmes auraient utilisé des godes pour se masturber.
Il existe plusieurs types de vibrateurs fabriqués exclusivement pour les femmes en Inde. Les vibrateurs sont utilisés pour stimuler le vagin, le clitoris, l’anus, etc., comme leur nom l’indique, les vibrateurs sont livrés avec un petit moteur qui crée des vibrations que les femmes peuvent utiliser pour se stimuler.
Il existe une large gamme de vibrateurs disponibles pour les femmes tels que les vibrateurs de lapin, les vibromasseurs à balles, les mini vibromasseurs, les vibromasseurs à papillon, les vibromasseurs à rouge à lèvres, les vibromasseurs à baguette, etc., stimulations vaginales et clitoridiennes simultanées.
La ventouse à vide est utilisée pour stimuler le mamelon et le clitoris. Bien que les jouets sexuels soient conçus pour être utilisés seuls ou avec le partenaire, les femmes indiennes n’utiliseraient des jouets sexuels que pour leur propre plaisir et non avec leur partenaire
Jouets sexuels pour hommes en Inde
Les sextoys masculins les plus préférés comprennent les masturbateurs masculins, les poupées sexuelles réalistes, les stimulateurs de la prostate, les anneaux péniens, etc. gratification sexuelle.
L’anneau pénien est utilisé pour fournir une stimulation frémissante à la partenaire féminine et pour permettre aux hommes de prolonger leur durée coïtale.
Jouets sexuels pour couples en Inde
Heureusement, il existe une large gamme de jouets sexuels pour les couples à utiliser pour améliorer le facteur plaisir lors de leurs relations amoureuses. Certains des sextoys populaires pour couple comprennent des lubrifiants, des jouets anaux, des sangles, des équipements de bondage, des vibrateurs, etc.,
Bien que le gode ceinture soit largement utilisé par les lesbiennes, il est également utilisé par certains couples pour expérimenter la stimulation du sexe anal. Les couples doivent choisir des jouets sexuels qu’ils trouvent tous les deux confortables à utiliser. Tout simplement parce qu’il fournit une stimulation sexuelle améliorée à un partenaire, cela ne signifie pas qu’il devrait être imposé à l’autre partenaire.
Les jouets sexuels sont disponibles dans différents matériaux et les couples devraient également choisir le jouet avec le matériau qu’ils trouvent à l’aise avec leur peau et leur type de corps.
Jouets sexuels pour lesbiennes en Inde
Quelle que soit votre orientation sexuelle, vous pouvez toujours trouver des jouets sexuels pour vous permettre de ressentir un plaisir accru pendant les rapports sexuels. Il existe de nombreux jouets sexuels spécialement conçus pour les lesbiennes.
Des jouets tels que des godes à double extrémité, des godes à sangle, des vibromasseurs à langue, des masseurs, des vibromasseurs à tétons, etc., sont exclusivement disponibles pour que les lesbiennes s’amusent davantage au lit. Avec des godes, les lesbiennes peuvent ressentir le plaisir de la pénétration et profiter d’un amour stimulant.
Jouets sexuels pour gays en Inde
Si vous êtes gay, il n’y a aucune raison de vous sentir exclu. Il existe des jouets sexuels spécialement conçus pour la communauté gay. Il existe des anneaux de pénis, des goys de la prostate, des plugs anal, des godes anaux sont fabriqués en différentes tailles et formes pour aider les gays à profiter d’un sexe stimulant avec leurs partenaires.
Les gays peuvent choisir des jouets sexuels en fonction de leur type de corps et de leurs préférences spécifiques pour garantir qu’ils donnent et reçoivent un plaisir accru.
Jouets sexuels et sécurité
Vous devez toujours prendre les précautions nécessaires en ce qui concerne les connexions électriques ou l’utilisation de la batterie et suivre strictement ce qui est mentionné dans le manuel de l’utilisateur. Les jouets sexuels doivent être nettoyés correctement (comme recommandé) avant et après utilisation pour vous protéger, vous et votre partenaire, de toute infection bactérienne indésirable.
Utilisez les lubrifiants recommandés pour des jouets sexuels spécifiques. Par exemple, lorsque vous utilisez un jouet sexuel en silicone, le lubrifiant à base de silicone peut ne pas convenir car il peut endommager le jouet de façon permanente. Dans de tels cas, vous ne devez utiliser qu’un lubrifiant à base d’eau. Les fabricants du jouet sexuel ou du préservatif à base de silicone auraient mentionné dans le pack lui-même, que vous devez suivre avec diligence. De même, vous ne devez jamais utiliser de lubrifiant à base d’huile avec un préservatif en latex car cela peut entraîner une déchirure du préservatif.
Contrairement à la perception populaire, les jouets sexuels sont bon marché et abordables pour la majorité des gens. Les sextoys sont destinés à vous offrir une opportunité de ressentir un plaisir accru pendant votre relation amoureuse, ce qui pourrait ne pas être possible autrement. Donc, si vous pouvez utiliser peu de précautions et de soins, les jouets sexuels peuvent certainement vous aider à améliorer la qualité de votre sexe et à profiter d’un plaisir maximal.

Jouets sexuels anaux
Le sexe anal occupe une petite zone dans l’arène sexuelle humaine. C’est un endroit pour les amateurs de plaisir qui veulent aller au-delà des domaines établis de l’expérience du plaisir sexuel dans notre corps.
Pour ceux qui veulent aller à la mer et explorer différentes zones de plaisir dans notre corps, trouver le sexe anal excitant. Les hommes et les femmes s’adonnent au sexe anal ou au jeu anal car cela leur offre une variation dans leur vie sexuelle.
Le sexe anal est également assez courant en Inde chez les couples qui recherchent la variété. Le sexe anal n’est pas nouveau. Il existe depuis l’Antiquité grecque. Nous avons des preuves historiques sous la forme d’images que le sexe anal était pratiqué dès 510 av. Le sexe anal est également mentionné dans le grand Kamasutra, qui est considéré comme le plus grand livre sur le sexe.
Pourquoi ça fait du bien de se livrer au sexe anal?
Il est scientifiquement prouvé que près de l’anus et de la sortie anale, il y a une quantité dense de terminaisons nerveuses. Ainsi, lorsque cette portion est caressée, elle procure une sensation unique et agréable.
L’anus est considéré comme l’une des zones érogènes de notre corps. Les femmes aiment se sentir anales parce que même la plus grande partie intérieure de l’anus (rectum) transmet une stimulation aux parois vaginales internes lorsqu’elle est stimulée. Ce genre de travail fonctionne comme une double pénétration pour les femmes.
Pour les hommes, la glande de la prostate est située à l’intérieur de l’anus, donc lorsque les hommes s’adonnent à l’anal, leur glande de la prostate est stimulée et ils reçoivent un plaisir de point P (également connu sous le nom d’orgasme sec).
Ici, explorons certains des jouets populaires utilisés pour le sexe anal, les types de jouets anaux et comment les choisir correctement. Certains des jouets sexuels anaux largement utilisés comprennent les plugs anal, les perles anales, le masseur de la prostate, les godes et les lubrifiants. Ceux-ci sont utilisés par les hommes et les femmes pour le plaisir anal.

1. Plug anal

Les plugs anal sont largement utilisés pour le plaisir anal, en particulier par les femmes qui n’ont pas de partenaire masculin pour essayer le sexe anal pénétrant. Les femmes utilisent des plugs anal pour ressentir le plaisir anal par elles-mêmes.
Les plugs anal existent en plusieurs textures et tailles parmi lesquelles les utilisateurs peuvent choisir. Butt plus avec une forme plus large est destiné aux utilisateurs expérimentés car il offrira un plaisir douloureux. Les plugs ont besoin d’expérience pour tirer du plaisir de l’utiliser.
Les plugs anal peuvent donner une expérience douloureuse au cours des étapes initiales, en particulier ceux avec une sensibilité anale. Les plugs peuvent être insérés individuellement ou avec l’aide d’un autre partenaire. Butt plus nécessitent une certaine expérience pour prendre plaisir.

2. Perles anales

Les perles anales sont complètement différentes des plugs anaux bien que les perles anales puissent également être insérées dans l’anus comme un plug anal, mais il y a une différence de texture entre les deux.
Les perles anales sont constituées d’une série de perles de taille progressivement croissante, chaque perle étant légèrement plus grosse que la précédente. De la base à la partie supérieure, il y a une augmentation pas à pas de la taille des perles.
Si l’utilisateur est expérimenté, il peut insérer des perles jusqu’à la base dans son rectum. Chaque perle crée une sensation érotique unique et très sensuelle à l’intérieur de l’anus qu’ils ne peuvent pas oublier facilement.
Ces perles anales sont disponibles avec différentes conceptions et tailles afin que l’utilisateur puisse essayer plusieurs des perles à plusieurs reprises à chaque fois pour ressentir une sensation différente. Ces perles peuvent également être utilisées lors des préliminaires tout en étant avec un partenaire.

3. Godes anaux

Les godes anaux sont largement utilisés par les hommes, les femmes de tous âges. Les godes anaux sont utilisés pour pénétrer l’anal pour la satisfaction sexuelle même si l’individu n’a pas de partenaire pour le sexe.
Les godes anaux permettent aux jeunes hommes et femmes de profiter du sexe anal comme outil de masturbation. Les godes anaux sont disponibles en différentes tailles. Avec l’expérience, un utilisateur peut essayer différentes tailles et même un long gode pour un plaisir anal sensationnel.

4. Vibrateurs anaux

Lorsque les muscles anaux sont soumis à des vibrations rythmiques, cela procure un niveau de plaisir différent. Les vibrateurs anaux sont des jouets vibrants spécialement créés pour stimuler les muscles anaux et permettre à l’utilisateur de ressentir un plaisir anal approfondi.
Les vibrateurs anaux se présentent sous de nombreuses formes et structures avec différentes caractéristiques fonctionnelles. Différents vibrateurs ont un motif de vibration différent et différents modes de vibration pour que les utilisateurs éprouvent un plaisir varié à leur guise.
Certains vibrateurs anaux sont rechargeables tandis que certains fonctionnent sur batterie. En ce sens, les piles doivent être remplacées lorsqu’elles sont épuisées. Il appartient à l’utilisateur de choisir le bon vibromasseur anal en fonction de ses préférences de plaisir et de ses goûts personnels.
Les vibrateurs anaux peuvent être utilisés à la fois pour la stimulation anale et la pénétration anale. Il peut également être utilisé pour ressentir un plaisir de pénétration. Il existe une gamme exclusive de vibrateurs anaux destinés aux débutants.
Il est donc conseillé de commencer avec des vibrateurs anaux débutants, puis de poursuivre avec une gamme plus élevée à mesure que votre anal s’habitue à des vibrateurs plus grands et plus intenses.

5. Jouets anaux pour débutants
Les perles anales, les plugs anal, le masseur de la prostate, les godes et les vibrateurs peuvent être utilisés par les débutants pour ressentir le plaisir anal.
Mais ceux-ci devraient choisir des tailles plus petites au début car leurs muscles anaux sensibles peuvent ne pas supporter la stimulation fournie par les jouets sexuels anaux avec une grosse tête. En fait, les perles anales sont spécialement conçues pour les débutants.
Si les débutants commencent à utiliser des jouets anaux de grande taille, ils peuvent ressentir de la douleur et de l’inflammation sur leur peau anale sensible.
Au lieu de profiter du plaisir anal, l’expérience peut s’avérer douloureuse et irritable, ce qui peut dissiper l’enthousiasme pour essayer le plaisir anal à l’avenir et peut dissuader les débutants d’essayer le plaisir anal en raison de mauvaises premières expériences.
Ainsi, les débutants devraient commencer avec des jouets de petite taille et ensuite progressivement progresser vers des expériences difficiles et difficiles. Presque tous les jouets anaux sont disponibles dans des tailles plus petites pour que les débutants puissent essayer les jouets sexuels anaux dans leur vie sexuelle.

6. Douches et lavements
Les douches et lavements sont généralement des équipements médicaux qui sont utilisés pour nettoyer l’anus en profondeur. Mais maintenant, les douches et les lavements sont également utilisés par les gens pour nettoyer leur anus pour profiter du plaisir sexuel.
Ce sont des équipements en forme de ballon où l’eau est stockée à l’intérieur, la buse qui y est attachée pénètre à l’intérieur de l’anus. L’eau peut être versée dans l’anus par la longue buse après avoir appuyé sur l’ampoule en silicone. Les douches et les lavements sont utilisés comme traitement liquide pour se débarrasser des problèmes de constipation.
Ils sont utilisés pour éliminer toutes les particules de saleté du côlon ou du gros intestin et apporter de la fraîcheur à l’intérieur du corps. Ils s’assurent que l’anal reste frais et exempt de toute saleté ou excrétion afin que les couples puissent profiter du sexe anal complet.
Les hommes et les femmes qui aiment profiter du sexe anal stimulant, préfèrent ces outils pour nettoyer leur anus en profondeur avant de se livrer au plaisir sexuel anal. Ces outils offrent une option simple et sûre pour nettoyer l’anus.

7. Jouets masculins pour la prostate

Comme son nom l’indique, ces jouets sont utilisés par les hommes pour caresser leur prostate. La prostate est une glande en forme de noix qui entoure le tube urétral et située près du rectum.
Les jouets de la prostate sont comme des plugs qui sont utilisés pour frapper la glande de la prostate pour le plaisir. Lorsque la prostate a frappé, elle offre une extase incroyable à l’homme qui utilise des jouets pour la prostate.
L’utilisateur doit savoir à fond comment utiliser correctement un jouet prostatique. Les jouets pour prostate sont disponibles dans de nombreux modèles et tailles et il appartient à l’utilisateur de choisir le jouet en fonction de ses besoins spécifiques.
Les jouets de prostate massent également précisément la partie anale des mâles, ce qui crée également une sensation passionnante profonde dans tout le corps.

8. Jouets anaux surdimensionnés

Les jouets anaux surdimensionnés sont destinés aux hommes et aux femmes qui sont expérimentés dans l’utilisation de jouets anaux et qui sont à l’aise avec les jouets de grande taille. Ces jouets ne sont pas destinés aux débutants, donc les débutants doivent nécessairement éviter ces jouets surdimensionnés, qui pourraient sinon entraîner une enflure et une expérience anale douloureuse.
Les jouets surdimensionnés sont longs et de grande taille, ce qui nécessite un certain niveau d’expérience pour jouir d’un plaisir intense. Ces jouets anaux sont conçus uniquement pour les utilisateurs expérimentés uniquement parce que les jouets anaux surdimensionnés sont si longs et de grande taille.
Seuls les utilisateurs expérimentés sauront utiliser ces jouets avec soin afin de profiter du plaisir érotique par stimulation anale. Les jouets surdimensionnés procureront un plaisir inoubliable et incroyable lorsqu’ils sont utilisés correctement.

Qu’est-ce que le BDSM?
Le BDSM est une activité sexuelle érotique, impliquant des violences physiques consensuelles et des activités sexuelles douloureuses impliquant deux partenaires ou plus.
La forme complète du BDSM est ‘Bondage & Discipline / Dominance & Submission / Sado-Masochism’ .
Le BDSM est classé comme une forme de sexe violent qui élimine le sexe ennuyeux et procure une satisfaction extraordinaire à ceux qui aiment s’y adonner. Le jeu BDSM comprend l’esclavage, la discipline, la domination et la soumission pour rendre la vie sexuelle plus érotique et vivante.
Le BDSM exige qu’un partenaire assume un rôle dominant et administre des actes sexuels douloureux, tandis que l’autre partenaire doit rester soumis et recevoir l’acte administré.
Le jeu BDSM implique l’application de douleurs physiques, psychologiques et émotionnelles, ce qui procure un plaisir mutuel entre les partenaires qui sont prêts pour cela. Le jeu sexuel BDSM n’est pas limité aux hommes ou aux femmes, il comprend également les lesbiennes et les gays.
Quelle que soit votre orientation sexuelle, vous pouvez donner ou recevoir du plaisir BDSM. Les jouets sexuels BDSM sont disponibles dans les magasins en ligne et hors ligne en Inde. Inutile de dire que le BDSM en ligne est le moyen le plus simple d’obtenir confortablement le kit souhaité sans que personne ne connaisse vos préférences sexuelles.
Histoire du BDSM
La toute première pratique du BDSM a été vue au Ve siècle avant JC. Le BDSM en Inde est vieux. Il est également mentionné dans l’ancien livre indien du Kamasutra que les coups, les morsures et les pincements peuvent inclure dans les rapports sexuels est une forme de BDSM qui a évolué maintenant.
Donc, on peut dire que le BDSM est en vogue en Inde depuis plusieurs siècles.
Types ou gadgets BDSM de BDMS
Il existe différents jouets BDSM disponibles sur le marché pour améliorer l’expérience sexuelle grâce au jeu BDSM. Le BDSM consiste à ajouter plus de plaisir et à apporter une nouvelle énergie à la vie sexuelle. Différents types de jouets BDSM ont différentes utilisations et fonctionnalités. Voyons quelques-uns des plus populaires
La servitude fait référence au fait de lier et d’empêcher le partenaire de bouger ou de changer de position. Bien qu’il existe plusieurs jouets liés au bondage, vous pouvez essayer certains des jouets de bondage de base au départ.
Tous les jouets Bondage ont un mode d’utilisation différent. Ainsi, les couples doivent choisir celui qui leur convient le mieux et commencer leur jeu BDSM au plus tôt.

9. Corde et ruban

Ceux-ci sont utilisés pour le bondage érotique et profitent d’une nouvelle sensation pendant votre sexe, que vous n’auriez pas connue. En utilisant de la corde et du ruban adhésif, on peut contrôler le mouvement et la liberté de son partenaire.
Ces cordes et bandes peuvent être utilisées pour attacher les mains ou les jambes de votre partenaire ou fermer la bouche ou d’autres parties du corps pour restreindre sévèrement les mouvements de l’autre partenaire.
En restreignant le partenaire avec des cordes et du ruban adhésif, le partenaire dominant est libre de taquiner et d’infliger des douleurs dans le corps ou la peau du partenaire soumis.
Les cordes fournies dans le kit BDSM sont réutilisables, et le couple peut utiliser la même corde lors de leur prochain jeu BDSM. De toute évidence, les bandes ne sont pas réutilisables et peuvent être utilisées à moins qu’elles ne durent.

10. Menottes

Les menottes BDSM sont utilisées en situation de servitude pour restreindre les mains ou les jambes du partenaire. Fondamentalement, c’est une paire de deux anneaux connectés qui s’usent autour des poignets ou des chevilles.
Les menottes sont disponibles dans différents matériaux et formes. Habituellement, les menottes fournies dans le kit BDSM sont faites de cuir, de fourrure douce, de plastique ou de métal et elles sont livrées avec une clé, des boucles ou du velcro pour attacher fermement les mains ou les jambes.
Le partenaire dominant utilisera les menottes pour restreindre le mouvement des mains ou des jambes avec tout meuble. En menottant le partenaire soumis, le partenaire dominant pourra taquiner, embrasser, pincer et caresser le corps du partenaire soumis comme il le souhaite.
Le jeu des menottes fonctionne mieux lorsque vous le jouez sans plan préalable et que vous faites ce que vous voulez, à condition qu’il soit agréable pour votre partenaire.

11. Spankers & Ticklers

Spankers et Ticklers sont utilisés pour activer la sensation sensationnelle dans le corps. La fessée est une large ceinture en cuir et les chatouilles sont une collection de plumes longues et douces. Ces deux jouets sont utilisés pour chatouiller la peau d’un partenaire. L’utilisation de ces deux jouets BDSM est parfaite pour l’acte ou les préliminaires BDSM légers.
Déplacer le chatouilleur doux le long des zones érogènes du corps d’une femme comme le mamelon, le clitoris, le cou, la hanche et le nombril peut lui procurer la sensation la plus érotique. Des fessées douces et douces sur le dos avec la fessée peuvent lui donner une excitation inattendue. L’utilisation de fessées et de chatouilles est idéale pour le démarrage en douceur du jeu BDSM.

12. Bandeaux, masques et bâillons

Les yeux bandés et les masques offrent un plaisir spécial pendant l’activité sexuelle. These restrict your partner from seeing you and knowing from what’s going on. Mouth gags restrict your partner from speaking.
So, using blindfold, masks and mouth gags you are do whatever you want and this heighten the sense of feeling, tease the partner and surprise him or her to receive the erotic sexual act.
Mouth gags prevent the submissive partner to restrict you and this gives you a chance to explore his / her body without any disturbance or denial.
These are certainly meant for beginners. It provides a soft and comfortable feel while enjoying the restrictive BDSM pleasure as blindfolds, masks and gags are made using leather and soft materials. Beginners can give this a shot to experience BDSM sexual pleasure.

13. Nipple & Clitoral Toys

There are exclusive BDSM sex toys to arouse your nipple and clitoris. These toys can provide more pressure to your partner’s nipple and clitoris and this provide them double sensitivity. Couples can choose toys based on their requirement.
From normal nipple and clitoral toys, to nipple torture and clitoris torture toys are available, which can give great amount of pain and fun. The degree of pressure of nipple and clitoris toys are adjustable, which couples can choose according to their taste and comfort level.

14. Cock & Ball Toys

Cock & Ball Toys are exclusive BDSM toys for men as these work only on the penis and men’s testicles. There is no way that it can be used with a female partner.
These toys are made of metallic or elastomeric. Women may find cock and ball toys exciting and may prefer to use on their male partner, whereas many men may not feel comfortable with these cock and balls toys.
Although, ball and cock toys not only enhance the excitement in the men it also works in dry orgasm and wet orgasm issue, that why couples use to prefer cock and balls toys in the bedtime.
By covering the penis, it can arouse penis nerves by controlling the flow of blood, which can help men retain the erection and excite both partners involved.

15. Electro & Medical Fetish

Electro and Medical Fetish is not so common in BDSM sex play as it requires very deft usage of an electro and medical device over the genitals.
In the Electro Fetish, the user will use electro toys to stimulate the genital parts by the electricity (battery or rechargeable devices).
Care should be taken to ensure correct amount of electrical energy is applied over the erogenous zones to make it exciting, which otherwise can make it painful. Medical Fetish involves executing medical-themed sexual fantasies.
A user uses medical equipment or dress up like doctor/ patient and allow the fun to happen. User act and use medical equipment to examine the vagina or penis to make them aroused is part of the play.
The role play is also a part of BDSM play.

16. Chastity Devices

Chastity device is a cage like garment that covers the intimate part so that the partner is restricted to have sexual intercourse.
As one partner is restricted from indulging in sexual intercourse, it arouses them and makes them long for sex and make desperate efforts to remove that. Chastity devices are available for men as well as for women. Imagine what you would do if a cage is made over the penis or vagina.
Chastity devices are also known as cage toys as it practically cages the penis or vagina. Chastity device is not only used to avoid sexual contact but also to avoid oral and manual stimulation.
Chastity devices are available in many sizes, so a user can get their preferred size based on their body type and comfort level.

17. TOKYO Girl Honey 5 Mouth lock Pink

It  is one of the best ball gag BDSM tool that is widely preferred. Made using non-toxic material and in pink colour Tokyp Girl Honey ball gag is comfortable to use as it comes with Velcro.
Because of Velcro, it remains adjustable and a user can fix it according to their head size. It is also soft on the facial skin as it won’t affect the facial skin, even if you fix mouth gag quite tightly on your face.
18. RED Hoipping
RED Hoipping is a popular leather spanker and tickler. It has a metallic ring at the end which allows for easy holding.
Beginners can use this with little pressure. The spanker allows men and women experience some amount of wildness in the BDSM sex play. It is rated as an ideal BDSM accessory for gentle and enjoyable play.
Though it might look little rough, users mentioned that pain is not as severe as they assumed. Users opined that it is both interesting and good to use.
19. Bondage tape 18m Red
This is all purpose tape for the BDSM play. This tape can be used as a rope to tie your partner or use it for blindfolding as well. It is absolutely safe to use and do not stick to the skin or hair.
Though it is named as ‘Bondage tape 18m Red’, this tape is available in many exciting colours. The tape is absolutely easy to use for restriction and equally easy to remove after the satisfied BDSM play.
It is one of the widely used tapes for BDSM fun world over by young men and women.
Unlike gum tapes which sticks to the hair and are hard to remove, which will create sharp pain while removing, this tape is safe to use on any portion of the body including hair and it’s removal is always easy and hassle-free.
20. KIKKOU Bondage Belt
This is a popular belt that is used world over for its functionality and elegant looks. This stylish belt restricts the whole upper body of the partner.
Each belt in this set can be adjusted to tie specific body parts like butt, waist, upper arm, hips, wrist etc., The belts are adjustable and are perfect for the beginners and experienced users as well.
The ‘Kikkou’ which means ‘tortoise shell’ is a rope pattern inspired by the ornamental restraint. ‘Kikkou’ features elaborate criss-cross ties to the front from cabernet red waxed cotton rope and is finished with gunmetal-tone zinc alloy and brass hardware.
The thick black vegetable tanned leather strap features an elasticated insert for a snug fit and fastens with press snaps in the back. This belt can be used to restrict specific body parts of your partner during your BDSM play.
Precaution to be followed while using BDSM Toys
Though BDSM provides a different kind of pleasure, BDSM enthusiasts need to follow precautions to ensure it remains fun. There is a very thin line that separates pain and pleasure. When BDSM goes overboard, it will turn out to be a highly painful and horrible experience for your partner.
Precautions to be taken while involving in the BDSM sex play
Users always need to keep the safety kit with them. The safety kit should have antiseptic cream, bandage, latex gloves, antibacterial cleaner etc.,
Care should be taken that kidney, neck or other sensitive part should not be tied. When these portions are tied, the whole experience intended for pleasure will become too painful.
Most of the BDSM bondage kit comes with padlocks and each padlock has two pairs of keys. A couple should keep one key safely in case of an emergency. Before using, it is necessary for the user to check whether a padlock is working properly or not.
Last but not the least, if your partner feels uncomfortable or expressing unbearable pain or shows some level of irritation or suffocation then you should immediately stop the play. The user should read the instructions before using any type of bondage tools.

Cock Rings
What is a Cock Ring?
A cock ring is primarily used by men to delay their ejaculation. It is used as a condom to extend their coital time or during masturbation to experience prolonged sensation. The cock ring settles firmly around penis and testicles and restricts blood flow leading to prolonged erection and delayed ejaculation. Cock rings are a blessing in disguise for those men who are going through premature ejaculation, as it can technically delay the ejaculation time without any effort on part of the men.
So, it is like a wearable device that can delay the ejaculation time to a great extent. Cock rings are available in different sizes and textures. So, you can choose the one according to your individual preferences and comfort levels.
Cock rings (also called penis rings) are available in both fixed and adjustable sizes. Some penis rings may also be worn in the middle part or head part of the penis, depending on the individual need. Cock ring also helps to enhance erection level of a penis for enough time spans in masturbation and intercourse.
Vibrating cock rings are also available, where men can set the vibration according to their need. Vibrating cock rings are increasingly preferred by couples as the vibrating cock rings come with a sensitive end, which can rub against the clitoris and provide quivering pleasure to the female partner. The vibrations provide a unique and highly pleasurable sensation, which may not be possible to experience under normal circumstances.
Cock rings are also safer to use with other male masturbators like handheld masturbator, hand free masturbator, flesh light or sex dolls.
Types of Cock Rings
There are various types of cock rings available for men. This includes:
Single ring – The single ring is worn at the root of a penis which restricts blood flow and helps males to extend their sex duration.
Double ring – Double cock ring allows male to wear at the base of shaft and testicles simultaneously. It controls semen to fall out from testicles.
Triple type – Triple type cock ring contains three rings which fully covers the testicles and base part of a penis with three holes.
Special type – Special type cock ring firmly tightens the testicles as well as a shaft for restricting blood flow.
Anal dual use type – The anal plug is attached with cock ring so males may take pleasure into their anal also.
Cock tie – This is a string type which is wrapped around the penis. It almost works as a single cock ring but the difference is only that there is no ring.
Shaft, ball dual use – Cock ring balls that covers shaft and balls simultaneously. The ring suppresses blood and semen flow after putting on a penis.
For ball – This cock ring should be affixed around the scrotum. It controls semen flow into testicles and delays the level of ejaculation during masturbation or intercourse with a partner.
Categorization of Cock Rings
Normal Cock Rings
A normal cock ring is made using a safe material and is placed around the penis or balls. Normal cock rings can be worn around the shaft of the penis or around the balls or together. Normal penis ring is used to restrict and slow down the blood flood in the penis so as to maintain an erection for a longer period of time. Normal cock rings are meant for men to enjoy better sexual relationship with their partner. These cock rings help men achieve stronger and sustained erection and allow men to experience heightened pleasure during love making.
Normal cock rings are made using resins, rubbers, silicon, plastics etc. Normal cock rings are the rings which can be used by anyone whether beginners or not. All kinds of users may easily experience greater pleasure during their intimacy with their partner with cock rings on.
Normal cock rings are primarily used for the 3 following reasons
To get rid of erectile dysfunction and enjoy quality sex
To prevent premature ejaculation and enjoy prolonged coital pleasure
For enhanced pleasure
Cock rings are safer to use along with male masturbators and sex dolls.
Normal Cock Rings are meant for beginners, though experienced men can also use it. As these cock rings are simple and can be accepted by any body type even during the first time.
21. Rabbit Cock Rings
Rabbit cock ring is regarded as the ‘couple cock ring’ as it allows both male and female partners to experience pleasure during sex. Rabbit cock ring is considered as the ‘best for foreplay’ among cock rings as it provides opportunity for both partners to indulge in some sensual fun along sensitive body parts.
Rabbit cock ring is an advanced cock ring which is widely selected by men as it helps them provide clitoral stimulation while indulging in vaginal penetration. They just need to bang on target while the rabbit will take care of clitoral stimulation. Wondering how that is possible?
Well, rabbit cock rings come with rabbit ears (ear like structure) that protrudes around a penis when it is worn. The rabbit cock ring not only ensures erect penis and allowing him to enjoy long lasting penetration, it also allows women to enjoy both vaginal and clitoral stimulation simultaneously leading to explosive climax. While wearing it, men need to be careful with the direction of the ears.
When you place the ears in the direction pointing downwards, men can ensure clitoral stimulation to their partners effortlessly. A simple care can go a long way in enjoying enhanced pleasure for both partners.
How Cock rings provide enhanced pleasure for men?
It helps men enjoy sustained erection and thus allows them to perform for longer than normal duration
It is particularly effective for men with premature ejaculation problem and those suffering from erectile dysfunction
Helps men to provide multiple orgasm to their partners and be able to provide fulfilling sexual experience to their partners.
How Cock rings provide enhanced pleasure for women?
It helps women experience clitoral stimulation along with vaginal stimulation simultaneously.
Women enjoy enhanced arousal and explosive orgasm in the end
It is particularly effective for men with premature ejaculation problem and those suffering from erectile dysfunction. Rabbit cock rings can be used by beginners and experienced men alike. Rabbit cock rings are made using body safe materials and are comfortably safe for both men and women.
It certainly adds extra thrill under the sheets.
22.  Vibrating Cock Rings
As the name indicates, these are cock rings with vibrating facility. Vibrating cock rings are upgraded cock rings with a small vibrator toy built in it. These cock rings can stimulate both partners the way a bullet vibrator can.
These cock rings provide vibrations allowing men and women to experience heightened sensation during their love making as the vibration stimulates penis and vaginal nerves giving unique and extra pleasure, which may not be possible under normal stimulation.
Women highly prefer vibrating cock rings as they provide both vaginal and clitoral stimulation with each insertion. The vibrations provide quivering pleasure to women with cock hitting vaginal walls each time. This is a special feeling and the kind of pleasure it gives is enormous, which may not happen during normal skinny dipping.
In addition to wearing this on the penis, women can also use vibrating cock rings on dildos to experience heightened pleasure during masturbation. So, vibrating cock rings serve dual purpose, one as a preferred sex toy for couples and as the most preferred sex toy for women for their masturbation.
Vibrating cock rings are available in many forms and features. The ball vibrating cock rings, shaft vibrating cock rings are some of the variants available in vibrating cock rings. In addition to vibrating function, these cock rings also help prevent blood flow and thus allow men to enjoy sustained erection and prolonged coital time.
Vibrating cock rings make sex all the more fun and enjoyable. Women prefer vibrating cock rings for enjoying quivering pleasure during love making with their partner.
23. Penis Sleeves (Penis Suck)
A penis sleeve is a male sex toy which is used like a condom. Penis Sleeve is categorized as sex toy that can be worn over the erect penis. The sleeve is meant to add length and girth of the penis giving it a bigger and dominant look. Penis sleeves provide supreme confidence and added power that allow men to provide harder pushes and prolong their time in bed and perform with vigour and vitatlity due to improved confidence.
Penis Sleeve is similar to a condom but it is made up of rubber which needs to be inserted over the whole penis from the tip to end. It is many times thicker than condom.
Penis sleeves are available with numerous textures so males may select as per their taste or their partner taste. Generally, penis sleeves keep granules or designs over its surface that creates rigidness and friction on vagina wall and provides immense pleasure to females and makes their sexual life more erotic with their male partner.
Penis sleeve extender often used for different purposes, mainly used to increase the penis size and pleasure for women. It is available in different textures that enable different feeling for the women partner.
Penis Sleeves are available in different textures to allow women to experience different sensation and pleasure levels. Penis Sleeve also comes in different shapes so as to stimulate the vaginal tissues easily. The tip of the penis sleeve comes in different shape which makes it easy to stimulate the highly sensitive vaginal walls and it gives unique power to your penis.
Penis sleeves are designed in such a way that it sits tightly on the top portion of the penis, and this numbs the tip of the penis allowing the user to perform longer than normal duration. There are various types of penis sleeves that can be used depending on the penis parts. There are sleeves that cover the whole penis, some cover only the shaft, while the third one covers only glans.
The shape of the penis sleeve extenders is also varied and it has a shape that is easy to stimulate the vagina and it changes your penis dramatically and aggressively. As with condom, there is no contraceptive effect so it is not recommended to ejaculate in the vagina. Since concurrent use with condoms is also possible, use condoms for contraceptive.
Safety Precautions While Using Cock Rings
Cock rings should not be worn for more than 20 minutes. As it cuts off blood circulation in the penis, prolonged use of cock rings can permanently damage penis. So, make sure it is used only for recommended duration.
There is always a possibility for pubic hairs to get tugged in cock ring giving pain. So, it is always better to shave your pubic hair before putting on a cock ring. Apply a lubricant to prevent rubber cock ring to stack in pubic hair.
Never force a rigid ring into position. This may make things really painful
Wear the cock ring around your penis shaft only when your penis is fully erect or semi-erect
While putting on the cock ring, make sure to drag it to the base of the shaft. Slide it to the base by two fingers.
Cock rings can ideally be used with condom
Always use a good quality lubricant with cock rings. Though you can use water based or silicone based lubricant, make sure you don’t use silicone based lubricant with a silicone based cock ring
You should immediately remove the cock ring if the following occurs
If your genitals begin to feel cold
If your genitals swell unusually.
If you feel pain in your penis or if your penis feels hurt
If vibrations feel strong and unbearable.
If you are wearing more than 20 minutes

What is Dildo?
Dildos are quite popular in India and it is increasingly being preferred by young women across the country. A dildo is essentially a female sex toy that is designed to look similar to the real penis. So, it is able to give penis pleasure to a woman. The user will feel like holding or getting inserted by a real penis and this gives them real excitement. Dildos are used by women during masturbation and it can also be used to have fun with a partner.
Dildos are available in glass, rubber, ABS plastic and metal. For the beginner, rubber dildos are best as it is too flexible, soft and easy to use in vaginal penetration. As it won’t hurt even during a vigorous action, rubber dildos are highly recommended for beginners. For those women, who couldn’t enjoy real sex with a male partner, Dildos provide a great alternative. These women can experience close to real sex using a dildo.
Women may be able to feel the intensity and thrust of real penis using a dildo. This also avoids women to try and get into wrong relationships, as dildos can provide them required sexual gratification. Dildos are serving as the best substitution for penis and a woman can easily reach experience G-Spot stimulation or G-Spot orgasm using a dildo.
Not only for vaginal penetration, Dildos can also be used for anal penetration as well. Dildos are popular as women’s toys, but it can also be used as men’s toys. Dildos are sometimes used to stimulate prostate glands that only have men. Couples can enjoy the thrill and deep penetration with a suitable size dildo at the same time. Dildos are versatile and come with numerous options for women, men and couples to experience pleasure.
All dildos are easy to use and temperature compatible. Means it is safe at the room temperature as well as in the cool temperature. But avoid the direct sunlight on the dildos. Well, the metal dildo is safe in sunlight but rubber dildo, plastic dildos, etc are not. It is important to keep it on the safe and dry place so the user can enjoy the ultimate pleasure with dildo throughout the life.
Dildos come in various sizes and shapes. It is important for the user to choose the right one depending on their body type and personal preferences. If you are beginner, it is advisable to use a small dildo, that means a dildo that has a small head size, then gradually you can go for a larger dildos which can provide harder and more intense pleasure.
History of Dildo
A dildo is the oldest sex toy and has been used around 30,000 years back. The first dildo is discovered in the Paleolithic era that it made by siltstone and used for self-pleasure. The stone-age people, the Greeks are included in the history of dildos. Greek women love to share their dildo. So the present dildos are going through various unimaginable shape, size according to the user’s taste and experience.
Types of Dildos
Dildos are available in various materials, sizes and shape. Let us see some of the popular dildos
24. Harness Strap on Dildos
This is a hands-free dildo. It comes with an attached belt that can be worn around the waist and can be used to insert without using hands. It is basically a lesbian sex toy, which they can use to give and receive penetration pleasure. But even men can also use it, particularly gays who want to experience the pleasure of penetration using a dildo.
For lesbian partners, it is an ideal dildo as they can penetrate each other without using their hands, just that they can wear it on their waist and push it into their partner’s vagina or anus. This allows them to experience both vaginal and anal pleasure comfortably. This dildo is suitable for sex and foreplay. The belt comes in soft material that won’t hurt your skin. There are special dildo belts available in which users can use their regular dildo and enjoy a hands-free enjoyment.
25. Glass Dildos
Glass dildos are hard ones made using high-quality glass. This can be used for masturbation or for sex. Glass dildos can provide cool and warm effects depending on the room temperature. The shiny and transparent glass dildos are tempting and are increasingly preferred by young women as it is hard and smooth, that it can be used by women to get right amount of stimulation and enjoy a sensual masturbation.
Glass dildos are used by experienced users as it comes with a relatively bigger head and the sheer hardness of the dildos make it attractive for experienced users who don’t mind getting some hardcore pleasure during masturbation.
26. Regular Dildo
A regular dildo is a sex toy made in the shape of the penis. This can be used with a partner or alone for a masturbation. The dildo is hard, smooth and rigid enough to experience pleasure. It comes with real features including penis veins, to allow the users to experience real pleasure during masturbation or sex with their partner. It is small in size and can be carried in vanity bags even during travelling.
Regular dildo is ideal for both beginners and experienced users as it can help them achieve pleasure. When you don’t have a steady male partner or a boyfriend, then regular dildos can come handy to gratify your sexual desires. When properly used, it can help the user derive outstanding pleasure.
27. Large Dildo
Large Dildos are used for extra pleasure and satisfaction. As the name indicates, it comes with extra length and girth allowing users to experience deeper and fuller penetration every time. It is best suited for experienced users only, as beginners may not be able to handle the size and may feel pain during the insertion. Some of the best-selling large dildo are made in Japan. Large dildos are widely available in India currently.
28. Silicone Dildo
Silicone Dildo is made of high-quality silicone material. It is best selling dildo category because silicone is skin-safe, soft and flexible for the penetration. Even silicone dildos are non-porous and phthalate free. Most of the user prefer the silicone dildo because it provides the soft and smooth insertion feeling.
Our silicone made dildos are Chocolate Lily, Air Dildo Wave Lsize that you should try once. You can also use the silicone dildo with the harness belt.
29. Inflatable Dildo
Inflatable dildo is an exciting dildo that allows users to pump up and increase the length and girth of the dildo as per user need. It comes with a pump which users can use to inflate the size of the dildo even after inserting it into their vagina.
This allow users to increase the size of the dildo once when their arousal level increases. After few insertions, when your arousal level increases, you can increase the length and girth of the dildo to enjoy a hardcore action. This adjustable dildo allows users to inflate the size depending on their mood and arousal level. No other dildo comes with such an exciting facility. This dildo is ideal for both beginners and experienced users.
It provides full-up sensation to all types of users as they can increase the size of the dildo according to their vaginal cravings and arousal level.
30. Metal Dildos
When you want some hard and sensual pleasure, then you can go for metal dildos. As they are good conductors of heat, it can give you cool or warm feeling during different room temperatures. When you are operating it on a winter night, you can enjoy the pleasures of this cool dude. When it is inserted on a hot day, you can have a ‘warm’ session. Metal dildos are hard and are made body safe and high quality metal. Some of the metal dildos are curved in shape so the user can easily insert it and enjoy the insertion in a better way.
When you want to enjoy temperature play, then trying metal dildos is the best way. Maintenance of metal dildos are practically zero and it can also be sterilized before every use to ensure you can enjoy a bacteria-free pleasure. Metal dildos can be used for both vaginal and anal stimulation. It is best suited for experienced users who expect hardcore pleasure.
31. Non-Realistic Dildos
Non-realistic dildos are like regular dildo and will come in different shapes and colour. Some non-realistic dildos come in white or other colours, which are no way near to the natural skin colour of male organ.
Non-realistic dildos come in various sizes that it is safe for beginners to try small or medium sizes. They can go for bigger sizes once they are comfortable with dildos and can handle larger sized dildos. Just because it is a non-realistic dildo, it doesn’t mean that the user cannot experience pleasure. User can experience great pleasure using this dildo as well.
32. Realistic Dildos
Realistic Dildos look very much like a real penis. This has glans, testicles, penis shaft with veins and everything that a realistic penis has. These penis are highly preferred as it can give the feel and experience of a real pleasure at once. The realistic dildo is most preferred by young girls and women for their masturbation and to satisfy their sexual gratification as they receive real feeling of doing it with a real penis.
Realistic dildos are for those women who want to experience with a real male organ. Realistic dildos are highly preferred and are always on demand in online market and increasingly women who are used to other types of dildos are switching to realistic dildos to experience real pleasure of using a penis. Popular realistic dildos are manufactured in Japan and are sold worldwide.
These dildos provide the experience of handling a real male organ and thus receive widespread appreciation among women and thus leading to growing preference among women.
33. Small Dildos & Probers
Small Dildos and Probers are small in size. It is ideal for beginners who want to try a dildo. These dildos are portable and can be carried in a pocket or vanity bag without anyone knowing that you are carrying a dildo.
If anyone is curious to try a sex toy, then they can start off with a small dildo as it is small in length and girth. It can be carried and used at any location even when one is travelling. Being a small sized dildo, hiding it won’t be a problem that you can enjoy sexual pleasure without anyone knowing that you are carrying a sex toy along with you.
34. Suction Cup Dildos
Suction cup dildos allow for hand-free penetration. When you don’t want to hold the dildo in your hand, then you can always go for suction cup dildos. These dildos can be fixed at any place like floor or wall or end of bed that you prefer using the suction cup. These dildos stay firmly at the place with the support of suction cup allowing you to enjoy the penetration pleasure.
It allows the user to experience hands-free penetration pleasure as dildo remains fixed. Made using body safe material, suction cup dildo is regarded as the best one for masturbation. The user can also fix the dildo permanently at any convenient place inside the toilet or hear the shower to enjoy masturbation.
35. Double Ended Dildos
As the name indicates, this type of dildo has two heads. It is basically used by lesbians as both partners can stimulate each other simultaneously. These dildos are useful for anal-anal penetration, anal-vagina penetration and vagina-vagina penetrations. One can insert any head of the dildo in any of the opening and use the other head to insert either in one’s partner’s vagina or anus.
Even single user can use double ended dildos to get vaginal and anal stimulation at one go. These dildos are flexible and rigid enough to give filling sensation when inserted and provide necessary stimulation pleasure. Though it is widely perceived as ‘lesbian dildo’, couples too can use it, where a woman can give anal penetration pleasure to a man while enjoying vaginal penetration at her end.
While few double ended dildos have same head size at both ends, few models come with small girth at one end and a bigger girth at the other end to experience penetration pleasure of different magnitude each time.

Vibrators are the most popular sex toys among young Indian men and women. There are numerous types of vibrators currently available catering to several personalized needs of users. There are specific vibrators for masturbation, clitoral stimulation, vaginal stimulation, anal stimulation, nipple stimulation etc.
There are remote controlled ones, wireless models, water proof types, silent ones, vibrators for men, women, lesbians. Whatever may be your sexual preference and sexual orientation, you can get varieties of vibrators and with the plethora of choices available right now, you will certainly be spoilt for choices.
Essentially, vibrators are electronic sex toys that can stimulate erogenous zones of a female body by generating pulsating vibrations. There are vibrators for men as well. Vibrators are gaining popularity and increasing patronage in India as it gives a unique and different kind of pleasure, the kind of which is not possible using hand or male organ.
Women who are exposed to the pleasures of vibrator-included stimulation develop an instant liking as they experience extraordinary pleasure, which is truly out-of-the-world. As users can adjust vibration speed and intensity of stimulation according to their own need, it is increasingly preferred by women in India as they enjoy both penetrative vaginal stimulation and external clitoral stimulation.
There are some specially designed vibrators which can give both vaginal and clitoral stimulation simultaneously to users, which give them heightened arousal and exploding orgasm, the kind of which may not be practically possible with hand or organ stimulation.  There are many types of vibrators. Let us see some of the important and widely used ones:
36. Bullet Vibrators
Bullet vibrator is designed in such a manner that it looks very similar to the bullet, so its name is bullet vibrator. Bullet vibrator is one of the most favourite vibrators for young girls and women in India. It is not only popular in India but popular across the world for its simple design, compact size, easy operations and easily portability.
Women can carry it in their purse and vanity bag without anyone knowing that a vibrator is inside. It allows user to experience stimulation in any part of the body from vagina to clitoris to nipple. It can be used for pin point stimulation. It can be sued by all types of users, men, women, lesbians, gays and can be used for masturbation and sex.
Bullet vibrator is available in varieties of material such as metal, silicone, silver, plastic, steel, rubber etc. All this materials are body-safe or medical grade, so it is absolutely safe for user and it doesn’t harm the user in any way.

It is a very simple design and comes with a smooth surface

Bullet vibrator is portable and easy to use. Any user either beginner or experience can easily use it.

Nowadays, even waterproof models are available which allow users to use it under shower and in bath tubs or pools. These are also easy to clean.

It is available with wired or wireless controller.

Allows the user to set different vibration pattern and speed allowing the user to set according to intensity of the sexual activity or masturbation.

Most of the bullet vibrator is battery operated so the user can easily change its battery once the battery run outs.

It comes in affordable price, so anybody can try it.

It is ideal for beginners, both individuals and couples can try it.

It is small in size, so the user can easily hide it and carry it along during travelling without anyone’s suspicion.

37. Butterfly & Wearable Vibrators
It is a special kind of vibrator that is made in the shape of a butterfly. It is made to create both vaginal and clitoral stimulation simultaneously. It is a wearable vibrator which women can wear for a long time and enjoy intense stimulations on their vagina and clitoris for a longer time.
It is designed in such a way that women can easily wear this vibrator under their panties and do all the daily work while receiving stimulation all along. Butterfly & Wearable Vibrator is a simple way to get sexual stimulation, whether you wear it around the waist or set it on the vagina.
Such vibrators are most suitable to enjoy the public play. You can wear it and do all your daily works without anyone knowing that you are enjoying a stimulation. It can also be used to stimulate your genital area without using your hand. It is suitable for beginners to experience the pleasure of vibration.
It is popular in Europe and USA as it allows women to enjoy stimulation even while they are in a public place. It is used by women for continuous stimulation of vagina or clitoris.

It is a hands-free external vibrator toy that is wearable

It comes with an adjustable belt which women can use to adjust according to their waist size and get the right fit.

It is used to stimulate the clitoris all the time. Women can enjoy continuous pleasure without using their hand.

It is made using medical grade material that it is safe to use

It is available in various colours, sizes shape, style and textures.

It is generally made in elastomer and silicone.

It is either battery operated or USB chargeable.

It is water proof and thus it can be cleaned with water after use.

When women uses it for a prolonged duration, there is always a risk of skin getting burnt due to the excessive heat generated by the motor in the wearable sex toy. So, women should use it for specific duration and enjoy the stimulation.
38. Classic Vibrators
It is a straight shaft vibrator that is longer than bullet vibrators but work like a bullet vibrator. It has a smooth surface and can be used to stimulate clitoris, vaginal and anal walls. It is used by both men and women. Couples can also use this toy to stimulate each other by using it over sensitive body parts.
Classic vibrators are perfect for beginners. It helps them to gain orgasmic experience. When a beginner wants to experience deep penetration or G spot orgasm then they should try the classic vibrators. In addition to beginners, even intermediate and or experts can also use it for internal stimulation.
Classic vibrators play a vital role in allowing users experience the pleasures of deep penetration. When you want a vibrator to stimulate your vagina, G-spot and anal, then classic vibrator can be the safe bet. It can also be used by men, gay or lesbians for enjoying sexual pleasure.
Men or gay can use the classic vibrator for anal pleasure. Women use the classic vibrator during sexual activity with the partner for pleasure feeling or during masturbation to satisfy all their sexual need.
A classic vibrator is generally made with an elastomer, silicon, rubber, plastic etc. All these materials are either high quality or medical grade, so it is safe for the body. A classic vibrator is available in the market with different colour, shape, size, style and textures.

Classic vibrator is specially designed for deep insertion penetration.

It has different types of vibration pattern and swing which help women to stimulate deep inside the vagina.

It does not have any vibrating action to stimulate clitoris, so most of the users use it for experiencing deep penetration pleasure.

It comes with waterproof specifications, so that user can clean the toy with water after use

It is either battery operated or USB rechargeable. Batteries can be replaced easily when it runs out of power.

It can be used by men for anal and or prostate stimulation.

39. Clitoral Vibrators
These are specially designed vibrating sex toys for clitoral stimulation and needless to say, it meant for young girls and women of all ages. Clitoris is one of the most sensitive parts in a woman’s body and clitoral stimulation provides immense pleasure to a woman.
It is reported that many women require clitoral stimulation to experience orgasm. For such women mere vaginal stimulation is not enough, however prolonged it could be, for them to feel orgasm. It goes to show that clitoris plays an important role in helping women experience pleasure during sex.
Women can use it for lesbian sex or for masturbation. Even men can also use clitoral stimulation externally over her girlfriend’s body to give her quivering pleasure. Though clitoral vibrators are meant for clitoral stimulation only, some of the latest models allow even vaginal penetration allowing the user to experience simultaneous stimulation of both vagina and clitoris.
A woman can also use clitoral stimulator to make herself aroused and ready for penetration with their partner.

It is used only for external stimulation of clitoris. It cannot be used for vaginal penetration

It is available in various sizes and shapes.

Some of the clitoris vibrator sex toys have only one vibration function and speed whereas some of the clitoris vibrator sex toys have different types of vibration function and speed.

Clitoris vibrator is made with varieties of material such as silicone, rubber, plastic etc.

Some of the clitoris vibrators also have a rotation function to stimulate the clitoris.

It is small in shape and are designed in such a way that it does not look like a sex toy.

It is water proof, so it can be cleaned with water before and after the use

It is made using high quality material that it is safe for the body and skin

Clitoris vibrator also helps women to get wet. Women can also use the clitoris vibrator to stimulate the nipple and beside clitoris.
40. Egg Vibrators
Egg vibrator is a vibrating sex toy that is similar to a bullet vibrator. It assumes the name as it is in the shape of an egg. Egg vibrators create powerful sensations in both clitoris and vagina. It can be easily fitted into the lingerie and can provide powerful vibrations compared to other vibrators.
Egg vibrators are regarded as the perfect vibrator toys for beginners. It can be used for both internal and external stimulation. Egg vibrators can be used to stimulate vagina, anus, breast, nipple or any other sensitive body part. It is suitable for couples, women, lesbian etc., It is one of the most popular vibrator sex toys, particularly among women as it is easy to operate and provides absolute enjoyment.
It is also one of the cheapest so many women who want to try vibrating sex toy will begin with egg vibrators. A woman who never experienced orgasm can try the egg vibrator to experience orgasm.
Easy to operate, clean and maintain
Wired and wireless egg vibrators are available
It is made with plastic, rubber, silicone, metal etc.,
It is made using medical grade materials, so that is it absolutely safe
It is available in different colour, shape, size, style and features
Most models of egg vibrators are water proof.
It comes with adjustable vibration function and speed, which can be adjusted using a remote.
It can be used by both men and women, though women uses it in great number.
According to a secret survey, most of the Indian women use egg vibrator to enjoy their masturbation as it provides them with continuous and stable stimulation, because of which they are able to achieve orgasm comfortably.
If a girl lives with the family then it becomes very easy for her to hide the egg vibrator as it is very small, and it also makes less noise. It can also be carried comfortably without anyone’s knowledge.
If a couple uses too much egg vibrator, then they get addicted to it and there is a possibility that she feels that male procedures alone are insufficient. So it is always better to avoid using egg vibrator too much which can deprive experiencing natural pleasure.
41. Extra Powerful Vibrators
As the name indicates, Extra Powerful Vibrators are meant for expert users. The intensity of the vibration is so powerful that is it not suitable for beginners, who may not be able to withstand the powerful vibrations. It is an upgrade for experienced users who may be too used with normal vibrators that they may not find it stimulating enough. Beginners should not try this as they may find it unbearable.
Basically, these vibrators are similar to other regular vibrators but they come with an extra capacity to deliver strong strokes to allow users to experience more intense pleasure. These vibrators can be used for clitoral stimulation, deep vaginal stimulation, anal, G-spot, nipple and any other sensitive body parts.
Women can use it for masturbation and g-spot stimulation. Couples too can use it for both internal and external stimulation. Gays can use it for anal and prostate stimulation. It can also be used by men, women, gays and lesbians alike.
Extra powerful vibrators are generally made of plastic, rubber, silicone, metal etc.
It comes with different vibration functions, rotation and speed. So, user can set the preferred speed and functionality depending on their individual needs.
It is also water proof. So that it can be clean before and after use
It is either battery operated or USB rechargeable.
Extra powerful vibrators require large electric power. If the couple prefers the battery operated one then they should use more number of batteries compared to normal vibrating sex toys.
If the couple prefers to use rechargeable batteries, then the battery power can drain quickly compared to the normal vibrator. Further, extra powerful vibrators are little expensive compared to other vibrator sex toys.
42. Extra Quiet Vibrators
As the name indicates, it is one of the most silent vibrators. It is for those who doesn’t want to their sexual feeling to get suppressed due to noise of the vibrators during their sexual activity or masturbation. These vibrators are made using quieter motors and material that can muffle the noise generated due to vibrations. This vibrator is ideal for those couples who want to enjoy sensual vibration, yet don’t want any disturbance during the sexual activity.
Please be informed that there is no vibrator that is completely silent. Extra Quite Vibrators produce quietest noise compared to others. Still some sound will be heard, but it will be mild enough that the user won’t find it disturbing.
It doesn’t spoil personal privacy and users can use it during public play without allowing anyone know that a vibrator is being used in the vicinity.
These vibrators can be used for both internal and external stimulation.
It is best suited for men and women to use it while living in a joint family
It is made using extra quiet motors.
It is made with the special type of material that can quieten the noise of the vibrator
It is made with medical grade material that it can be safely used without any worries
Most of the recent models are water proof.
The power of the extra quiet vibrator has limits. Most of the extra quiet vibrator does not provide strong stimulation. Extra Quiet Vibrators may feel weak if you are accustomed to a relatively strong stimulus.
Most of the user who has lots of experience with the vibrator toys do not get satisfied with the extra quiet vibrator because of weak vibration function.
43. Finger and stringue Vibrators
Finger and stringue vibrators are special type of vibrating sex toys that are predominantly used in oral sex and masturbation. Finger vibrators are worn on the fingertips and are used to stimulate sensitive body parts such as nipple, clitoris, vagina etc.,
stringue vibrators are used to enhance the quality of sensation during oral sex. With stringue vibrators, oral sex becomes highly satisfying and exciting. These vibrators are highly suitable to use during foreplay and masturbation. It is best suited for both beginners and experienced users as well. These vibrators are very versatile to use.
Finger vibrators are popular among men and women and it is suitable for all types of users. It can be used to experience highly sensual orgasm as it can provide pinpoint stimulation and women can use it to stimulate their clitoris and experience quivering pleasure leading to an explosive orgasm.
It is specially designed to be worn easily on the finger
It is very similar to wearing type mini vibrators
Finger vibrators can be used for both internal and external stimulation.
It can be sued for clitoris, anal, vaginal and nipple stimulation
Some models come with only one vibration function, while many other types come with different vibration functions and speed.
It is very light weight, thus suitable for all types of users.
It can be sued with other sex toys like dildo, male masturbator, BDSM toys etc.,
Finger vibrator is perfect for simple stimulation and pinpoints stimulation. The user also uses the finger vibrator during the masturbation to satisfy all their sexual needs.   Finger vibrator does not provide strong stimulation.
If the user wants a strong stimulation then they should prefer the sex toys which are specially designed to provide strong stimulation.
44. G-Spot Vibrators
As the name denotes, these are special vibrating sex toys that can be used to stimulate the women’s most sensitive spot, G-spot which is located inside the vagina. G-spot is a bean-shaped portion located on top portion inside the vagina.
G-spot has proven to the most sensitive spot inside the vagina and when it is stimulated, it helps women experience highly intense and powerful orgasm, which is incomparable with stimulation of any other body part.
G-spot vibrators are increasingly bought by women in India and across the world as it helps women to experience unbelievable pleasure and intense orgasm.
Needless to mention, it is primarily a ‘women only’ vibrator. Though men can assist women in receiving g-spot stimulation during the sexual activity, the vibrator is essentially for women. It can be used during masturbation or during sex with a partner.
Though women can use dildos to stroke their g-spot, but the G-spot vibrator provides more pleasant feelings and it helps the user to locate the g-spot quite easily.
G-Spot vibrator is available in many shapes and sizes.
It has broad tips which is designed in such a way that it will hit the G-spot while penetrating the vagina.
Users can set vibration modes from low to high.
All the G spot vibrators are waterproof, so women can easily use water to clean the G spot vibrator after the sexual intercourse.
G spot vibrator is either battery operated or USBrechargeable.
Difference between G-spot vibrators, vibrators and Dildo
G spot vibrator is designed in such a manner that it is little curved whereas the simple vibrator and dildo are designed in a straight manner or it is designed like a penis, which can be used only to stimulate the vagina or anal, and reaching G-spot with these is practically impossible. G-spot vibrator makes is easy to stimulate G-spot without any hassle.
45. Luxury Vibrators
Luxury vibrators belong to the elite range among the vibrators. It comes with stylish looks and are easy to handle. It helps the user to stimulate the sensitive areas of the body in a most convenient way. As the name indicates, luxury vibrators are expensive and are made using high quality and long-lasting material. It comes with extra smooth features for masturbation and sex.
The design of the luxury vibrator is stylish. The luxury vibrator has different types of vibration function and speed which user can easily change during the sexual penetration. Now a day, almost all the luxury vibrator have life waterproof specification, so the user can easily use water to clean the luxury toys after the sexual activity.
It provides more pleasant feeling during the sexual activity. Luxury vibrators are expensive and are not easily available due to its high cost. Only very few online platforms sell luxury vibrators. If you consider reviews before buying your vibrator, then you may find hardly any review for luxury vibrators as it is very low user base. As only elite and celebrities buy these products, they hardly post any review of their experience due to fear of their identity getting exposed.
There is a wide range of luxury vibrators with their design and feature. Every type comes with its own properties. It is available from clit vibes to prostate vibes and from rechargeable to battery operated. As the luxury vibrator is generally expensive, only experienced user would buy this to get enhanced pleasure during their sexual activity. Because of its high cost, it is not suitable for beginners.
Luxury vibrator toys are made with high-quality material so it is very soft and smooth while touching and using. The luxury vibrator has many excellent features. The luxury vibrator is available with wonderful functions such as vibration, wireless, charging etc. It also has a life waterproof specification so the user can easily use water for cleaning purpose.
46. Mini Vibrators
As the name denotes, these are small sized vibrators which can be used to get pin point vibrations. It is as small as the size of a cigarette or lipstick or a finger that it can be carried anywhere such as office, travel, movies etc., Because of its small size which can be accommodated in a pocket, it is also called as ‘Pocket Vibrator’.
Though it is small in size, it is considered effective in stimulating the erogenous zones of a body. Mini vibrators are widely used by women. In India it is increasingly bought by young women as it allows them to keep it inside their bag secretly and use it for masturbation without anyone in the family knowing.
Mini vibrators are used for both clitoral stimulation and vaginal stimulation. It can also be inserted into vagina for vaginal stimulation. Mini vibrators are considered as most suitable for beginners in the sex toy world.
Women often use mini vibrators on the clitoris to bring the fast and powerful orgasm for sexual intercourse. It can also be used by women to get herself wet quickly before a sexual encounter with their partner. A couple can use these vibrators during foreplay and use it to stimulate women’s sensitive body parts.
Though it is small, it is highly durable and can be carried anywhere
Mini vibrator is popular in India because it is very easy to hide the toy.
It runs on button batteries, as regular AA and AAA batteries cannot be fitted into it due to its small size
Rechargeable models of mini vibrators are also available. Users can recharge it using USB cable
Though mini vibrators are highly preferred by beginners, the vibration function is enough only for the beginners. But the expert and experienced users don’t prefer mini vibrators as the functionalities are minimal and vibrations are not satisfying enough for such users.
47. Rabbit Vibrators
Rabbit Vibrator is a special type of vibrating sex toy meant for women. It is specially structured with bunny ears so that it is named as Rabbit Vibrator. The special design allows women to experience both vaginal and clitoral stimulation simultaneously.
When the main shaft is inserted into the vagina, the bunny ears stimulate the clitoris at the same time. This provides immense pleasure to the user as they get both vaginal and clitoral stimulation at one go.
The toy can be used during masturbation session alone or along with partner who can use it to stimulate her thoroughly and prepare her for the physical penetration. Due to its ability to provide outstanding stimulation, women in India increasingly prefer rabbit vibrators compared to other vibrators.
Rabbit vibrators are available in many different forms, like wiggle, rotate, or vary in intensity and vibrations. It is the simplest, yet highly reliable sex toy which can help women achieve explosive orgasm.
It not only helps women enjoy orgasm, but also helps them relieve stress and feel happy as the release is so intense that women feel joyous after the session.
Not only single woman, but most of the lesbian couples prefer rabbit vibrators for giving and receiving outstanding sexual pleasure.
The rabbit vibrator has different types of vibration function and speed. A woman can select any combination of vibration speed and function for pleasant feelings.
Both beginners and experts can use Rabbit vibrators for experiencing pleasure
It is easy for any women to use and handle the rabbit vibrator.
The rabbit vibrator is either a built-in type or wired type.
It is either battery operated orUSBrechargeable.
It is waterproof specification, so women can easily use the water to clean the rabbit vibrator.
While a user may require two vibrators for internal and external stimulation, Rabbit Vibrator allows both clitoral and vaginal stimulation happen simultaneously without any extra effort.
48. Realistic Dildo Vibrators
This vibrator is among the most popular vibrators among women, as this vibrator provides a real feel of a penis to the user during their penetration. This vibrator is exclusively meant for women as it allows them to feel a real penis.
Realistic Dildo Vibrators have veins that are similar to a male penis, a glans and testicles with skin colour to give the user a real feel. The vibration mode makes is better than a penis in terms of functionality. This vibrator allows women to fulfill their sexual desires and give much more pleasure than a real male penis. Only thing is that it is suitable only for expert as beginners may find it unbearable as they may find it too intense to handle.
Realistic Dildo Vibrators are suitable for those women who have experience in handling a vibrator or a large dildo. Realistic Dildo vibrators provide real feeling with intense vibration that users may not get find with other vibrators.
This is ideal for women who live alone or divorcees or women going through break ups as they can get some close to natural sex with Realistic Dildo vibrators. This vibrator helps them feel a real penis, which they had been missing for a while and enjoy intense stimulation, thereby they can get complete sexual satisfaction.
The Realistic Vibrators can also be used to stimulate the G-spot, vagina and anal etc., Some of the realistic dildos have one vibration function whereas some of the realistic dildo vibrators have different types of vibration, speed and rotation. It is very easy to use and handle.
It can be used by women, men, gay or lesbian partners to get the feel of a real penis during their sexual activity. The realistic vibrator dildo is either battery operated or USB rechargeable.
49. Rechargeable Vibrators
Rechargeable vibrators allow users to use it without having to worry about batteries running out during or before the sexual activity draining away the happiness. Rechargeable vibrators come with USB rechargeable option. Rechargeable vibrators are gaining popularity in India as people find replacing batteries a cumbersome activity.
As you know that in the market varieties of vibrator sex toys are available. The vibrator is one of the most popular categories in India. The vibrator sex toys are either battery operated orUSB rechargeable. Now a day, most of the vibrator toys areUSB rechargeable. A couple uses the rechargeable vibrator toys for sexual pleasure.
These vibrators are high-tech vibrators designed for better work by eco-friendly motors.
When the user recharges it fully, it can be used for 30 minutes continuously
It is easy to handle and maintain.
It can be used repeatedly with single recharge
Rechargeable vibrators are available in many shapes, colours, sizes and vibration patterns.
It relieves the user from the burden of battery replacement
It provides uniform output power and reliable function for a longer duration
It is available in different designs and styles
It is absolutely safe to use
A couple uses the different types of rechargeable vibrator for a different purpose. Some of the rechargeable vibrators are used for the internal stimulation, some of the rechargeable vibrators are used for the external stimulation whereas some of the rechargeable vibrators are used for both internal as well as external stimulation.
So, depending on their need, users can choose the one that is comfortable to them.
Rechargeable vibrators used to be expensive in the past. But now they are available at affordable prices. Rechargeable vibrators can be carried during travel and the recharging plugs allow charging even if you travel to another country.
50. Remote Control Vibrators
As the name indicates, these are vibrators that can be operated from a distance. While some of the remote control vibrators are wireless, some are wired. These vibrators are used in foreplay or submission to tease the partner from distance and add fun in sexual play.
If you want to try something different and unique then remote control vibrator is the best option for you. A Remote Control Vibrator is a wireless sex toy which is available with the vibration functions. With this vibrator, stimulation of vagina, clitoris, anal and penis are possible.
The vibration function of the Remote Control Vibrators can be operated with the remote. Any user can easily use the Remote Control Vibrator during the sexual activity. It is used alone or with the partners. When using it for masturbation, since there is no wire, operability rises and it becomes easy to concentrate on pleasant sensation.
There are various types of remote control vibrator is available. Some of the remote control vibrators are designed in such a manner that it is only used for internal stimulation, while some others are used only for external stimulation whereas some of the remote control vibrators is designed in such a way that it is easily used for both internal as well as external stimulation.
A Remote Control Vibrator is used by any of the user either men, women, gay or lesbian. A Remote Control Vibrator is available with the dedicated controller. Remote Control Vibrator satisfies the desire of men’s domination and provides women pleasure or it also satisfies the desire of women’s domination and provides men pleasure.
A couple can easily change the strength of the vibration function. A couple can select either the week stimulation or strong stimulation according to their choice.
51. Thrusting Vibrators
Thrusting Vibrators add an additional form of vibration and stimulation for the women. It is a special type of vibrator for women. Thrusting Vibrators has automated thrusting function at the head of the shaft. With these thrusting function, women experience unforgettable experience and lead to most pleasurable and intense vibrator orgasm. Thrusting Vibrators come with a various function on different parts of vibrators.
This is a sex toy with automated thrusting function at the head of the shaft. It provides greater stimulation during the sexual activity closest possible to real sex. It is gaining popularity. The piston function, which allows the shaft to move up and down is unique and special.
If women use the piston function vibrator toys then the piston stimulation is obtained in the vagina by stretching and shrinking. The powerful piston function builds into the base part of the machine in thrusting vibrator toys.
Thrusting vibrator is ideal for women who don’t have male partners, such as widowers, divorcees, women on break up etc., as they are able to enjoy similar to natural sex.
Thrusting vibrators help women achieve intense vaginal orgasm. It is one of these vibrators which stimulate internal organ and help women feel orgasm. For women, it is a little difficult to stimulate the back of the vagina during masturbation. But if women use the thrusting vibrator it becomes easy.
52. Nipple Specialty
Nipple Specialty are vibrating sex toy that is used to stimulate nipple or breast. It helps women receive massage and required stimulation on their nipple or breast. When used, it provides correct stimulation and provides an amazing feel on the nipple and sufficient arousal to help women indulge in sexual intercourse.
Nipple Specialty is used to help women get intense arousal by nipple or breast stimulation. It can be used by women alone or couples during the foreplay to lead to intense arousal. It is essentially a women’s sex toy as it works only on nipple or breast.
It is should be noted that nipple stimulation works similar to the vaginal stimulation for a woman as nipple stimulation provides as much as arousal as with vaginal stimulation.
In the market varieties of nipple toys are available such as nipple clamps, suction cups nipple toys etc. The different types of nipple toys provide different sensation when applying on the nipple. Nipple clamps are generally made with metal and it also has a coated tips which help to protect the skin. In clams, both the clamps are connected with the chain. Most of the nipple clamps are adjustable. Suction cup nipple toys create a vacuum over the nipple which provides the more sensation.
A couple can select any of the toys according to their need and choice. Nipple Specialty is suitable for both beginners and experienced users.  Nipple Specialty are not suitable for beginners as they may not be able to handle such intense levels of stimulation during the first time.

Sex Doll Toys
Sex Doll Toy is a special kind of sex toys meant only for men. This is considered as an highly evolved masturbation tool compared to other male masturbators available in the market including Fleshlights. Sex Doll toys allow men to feel very close to indulging in sex with a real woman.
Though male masturbators can be fixed at a location and enjoy hands-free masturbation, whereas Sex Dolls provide a more visually stimulating and physically stimulating sensual experience that may not be possible with male masturbators. It is one of the increasingly preferred product among men as it gives them near natural sexual experience with a woman.
Sex Dolls are helpful not only to fulfill sexual desires of men, but it also allows men to gain confidence about their sexuality and allow them to use these dolls as trials to help them perform better in bed with a real woman.
It helps men relieve stress and enjoy themselves without having to feel anything about their looks or personality as there is no one to judge them when they are being with a sex doll, yet they can get thorough enjoyment.
Male ejaculation is often linked with their mindset. Sex dolls help them have better control over their ejaculation time and gain confidence about their performance capabilities. Sex dolls are available in half body size, micro size, only ass shape, only boobs shape and of course real size of 160 cm.
Of course, large ones are expensive, but it is worth the value as it allows the user to feel real women. It can be used to touch, feel, squeeze, insert and enjoy the way the user wants. It can also be sued to sleep together like cosplay with a partner.
The modern evolved sex doll toy is wonderful. Basically, we are collecting more high-quality Japanese products and selling them here. We hope you will find your favourite sex doll in India easily with us. Sex doll to buy through online store is most convenient way. Through Sex Doll online, you can check multiple sex dolls toys structure and sex doll prices.
The current sex dolls are also called ‘Love Doll’ as they are made with silicon and TPE male masturbators and are modelled exactly like a real woman with similar body lines, glamorous style. Women come in different sizes and shapes. Whereas sex dolls are made in perfect shapes, so that user can feel excited about being with a fantastic woman all the time.
Sex dolls provide a real sexual sensation that is many times higher than the masturbators which doesn’t allow hip movement. Though masturbation toys provide stimulation to penis, it still leaves the user feel that it is only a masturbation.
Whereas sex dolls provide him the feeling that the user has indulged in real sex. As it involves inserting penis and moving hips, the feeling transmitted to the penis and whole body is completely different than what masturbators can provide. Needless to say, sex dolls are very expensive compared to normal male masturbators.
The only disadvantage of using a sex doll is its size, which is difficult to hide. It is Ok only when the user is living alone, otherwise it is difficult to hide from the eyes of others.
Who can use Sex Dolls?
Men who are single without any girl friend
Divorcees and those men who are going through a breakup
Men who don’t want to try call girls, as there is always a danger of infection with such girls.
Men who fantasize about having physical intimacy with a sexy and glamourous girl can use sex dolls as each one of them comes with amazing shape & looks
Men who are not satisfied with their sex life and looking for a new partner
Young boys who want to train themselves before doing it with a real woman
Men who are having issues with their ejaculation can try this to gain confidence
Types of Sex Dolls
Sex Doll toys can be grouped into 4 major types
Air Sex Doll Toys
Realistic Sex Doll Toys
Ass Toys
Titty Toys
Let us see each one of it in detail.
53. Air Sex Dolls
Air Sex Dolls are toys that inflates with air, it is as simple as that. Though these types of toys existed long before, not it is getting perfected to allow the user to feel a real woman in every way. Among sex dolls, air sex dolls are relatively cheap.
Air sex dolls are inflatable sex toys. The user need to pump air inside the doll to inflate it before indulging in masturbation. If you want to know why it is increasingly preferred by men in Japan, China, USA and Europe as it provides them the psychological advantage of feeling a real woman and they are indulging in real sex with a perfect woman. ‘
The user can hug while penetrating, they can feel the shapes and contours of a woman, and they can dress or undress and indulge in any kind of role play or cosplay with it.
It is reported that men who find lonely are buying sex dolls as it gives them the feeling that they are sleeping with a woman companion.
Masturbation using male masturbators involve lot of hand work and it may become quite painful after a while when ejaculation takes time, which can happen due to various reasons.
The air sex dolls eliminate that pain and allow the user to indulge in hip movement which gives them satisfaction instead of pain as they feel like being with a woman and indulging in natural sex. Men gets an entirely new feeling with air sex dolls compared to male masturbators.
Air sex dolls are artificial structure of a woman
Made using vinyl material and can be inflated by pumping air
There are various types such as the whole body, upper body only, lower body only, etc.
Sex doll toy in general is a very difficult toy to keep with family and with partners because of its size. But air type is easy to hide as it can be folded by letting the air out after masturbation.
Air sex doll toys are transparent in color. It doesn’t any patterned decoration like other sex dolls usually have
It provides an artificial structure of a woman
Air Sex dolls come with a provision to hold male masturbators to ensure men enjoy
Hands-free masturbation
Surprisingly, sex dolls are also available in many Position sexuelle. Yes, men can choose their desired Position sexuelle such as cowgirl position, sitting position and buy doll accordingly. It comes with joints and can be twisted and turned to an extent to enjoy the position. But the user cannot change the Position sexuelle as it is prebuilt. So, if user wants to try different position every time, then he may have to buy different toys and use it in rotation.
Only disadvantage with an air sex doll is that it cannot react like a woman. It can only give pseudo sexual experience to men. Though Indians are aware about sex dolls, it is still not widely available in India, primarily due to its cost and difficulty in hiding it from the eyes of other family members and neighbours.
54. Realistic Sex Doll Toys
As the name indicates, these toys resemble women in the closest possible way. It is made using many real materials such as silicon and TPE (elastomer) that gives a real feeling to the user. It comes in various shapes such as head to toe – full body type, only upper body, lower body only, boobs, bums etc.,
These sex toys are exclusively created for men. These toys look like a real woman with an envious shape. Needless to say, most of the sex doll lovers aspire to use only realistic sex dolls as it feels real and allow them to derive real pleasure of being with a real woman.
These toys are made using high-quality materials such as silicone, TPR and TPS, Rubber etc.,
It is most expensive as it looks and feels like a real woman
It has shapes and contours of a real woman’s body
It is available in many sizes and forms such as blond to brunette, tall to short, light skinned or with a tan, blue eyes, red head for users to choose the girl of their preference
Realistic sex dolls can also be customized, but at additional cost.
It is not suitable for the beginners due to its high cost. Only an experienced person who has already tried air sex dolls can try this as an ultimate upgrade.
Realistic sex dolls can be penetrated. The dolls have vagina, anus, boobs which are too realistic that the user can actually feel every bit of being with a woman. It can be used to get maximum pleasure of a real sex with a real woman.
With the latest technology, realistic sex dolls are continuously improving themselves. Improving in terms of looks, structure, and more realistic. With more taste and preference by men, they are available in more design with a realistic feel.
As realistic sex dolls for men are made by high-grade material and large in size, so it is heavy in weight. These sex dolls are also for the one who wants to experience the virgin penetration. Realistic sex dolls give you better pleasure even without hurting your hands.
If you want to know negatives about realistic sex dolls, although they are a replica of women, they do not react like a woman that is the only disadvantage. It just gives pseudo sex to the men. It is too expensive and certainly an ordinary man cannot afford it.
But on the positive side, realistic sex dolls keep the user away from unnecessarily cheating or risking deadly Sexually Transmitted Infections with the real presence of women. Men who want to try call girls can prevent themselves from infection risk using realistic sex dolls. It is one of the best and safer alternatives to indulging with a bad or inappropriate women. Except for the real feel, realistic sex dolls are able to deliver the virgin feel to the men. Sex dolls are virgins and remain untouched until you ultimately purLoucaline them.
55. Titty Toys
Men have a subconscious liking to the boobs, so it is natural that a sex doll with nice tits are created. Essentially, Titty toys are not sex dolls, but are specialized toys in the shape of boobs. Goes without saying, it is meant only for men. It is for those men who are desirous of doing a titty job, which is about playing the breasts with a penis.
Doing a titty job requires your partner to have a big boobs. As it may be difficult to meet women with big boobs, this toy allows men to enjoy titty job comfortably. And the feeling is closest to real.
Titty toys are essentially used for masturbation. Ejaculating the load with a hand stroke and ejaculating with a titty toy offers a completely different feeling to the user. If you like boobs, then you will feel extremely satisfying when you release your load after using a Titty toy.
Many men cannot get an opportunity to use boobs for ejaculation. Even married men and those with a regular sex life with a female partner, may not have experienced this as many women may not permit their men for such things in real life.
Even though you are able to find a partner with big boobs, there is no guarantee that she would allow you to indulge in a titty job, as many women don’t like the idea of a titty job. So, in all probability, buying a titty toy alone can guarantee you to indulge in Titty job without any hassle.
Further, to enjoy a Titty job masturbation, a man may require a big sized boob to feel the excitement.
So, trying Titty dolls can help men enjoy a completely new sensation and a highly fulfilling masturbation experience. Because with a titty toy, the user can feel boobs, stroke nipples and can be able to squeeze it with his hands, which altogether will give him a different feeling, which is always going to be special.
If for men who have never touched a boobs in real life, these toys provide them an opportunity to feel it in full. The Titty Toy feels like a real boob. It is soft and has sharp tits that the user can actually feel. It is one of the closest reproduction of a real boob.
It is created using some of the actual women’s boobs mould and reproduced using best of the technology
It comes in different cup sizes for men to choose from
It is created quite preciously that the user can get touching the real boobs
Titty toys are evolving and more realistic models are currently available
Since it is not a toy that used for insertion like Male masturbators. It is being developed more closely with the feel of touching and appearance more like reality.
It is suitable only for those men who are obsessed with breasts and are keen to have Titty job. Most men don’t prefer this as they cannot use it for insertion. Men, in general, prefer toys that comes with a vagina that can allow insertion.
55. Ass Toys
Ass Toys are a male sex toy that is used for masturbation and it is only for those ass lovers. As the name indicates, Ass toys delivers real ass fun to men. It can be used on the floor or table. As it allows insertion and waist movement, it is loved by men as it gives them real life anal sex experience.
The most distinctive feature of this toy is the appearance of the buttocks. It is designed in such a way that it looks very feminine butt and very realistic. Unlike hand held masturbators, Ass toys allow men to enjoy masturbation by inserting male organ through waist movement. Because of insertion through waist movement, it provides immense satisfaction to the user, much higher compared to hand held masturbators.
Ass toys come in various sizes. There are also many real size toys, which not only look very realistic but also gives almost a real touch. When panties are put over it, the user can certainly feel it to be more real.
Ass toys are becoming popular in India as it comes with realistic features and exciting internal structures that are close to real anus. They are designed in such a way, it provides extreme stimulation to the penis when it is inserted into the hole in the Ass toy.
Most of the anal toys come with two holes – to represent anus and vagina. Each hole is different in structure and the user can feel the difference in terms of stimulation and satisfaction.
To experience heightened stimulation and utmost satisfaction, Ass toys in real life sizes should be used as it can provide near life like experience.
Ass toys are expensive because of intricate internal design and use of high quality materials. As it is made in the shape of a real life buttocks, storage is often difficult. The user may find it difficult to hide when he wants to use it without anyone’s knowledge in the family.